
244 Dalton Ave Unit 180

Kingston, ON

Englander Blue Ridge 100 Wood Stove

$1,179.00 + HST

Our most compact unit in the series, the Blue Ridge 100 is the perfect choice for heating homes up to 1,200 ft². With only 1.8 g/h of particulate emissions, this EPA certified wood stove puts out an impressive 45,000 BTU/h. The bottom of its combustion chamber is deeper than other models in its category and allows a greater accumulation of ashes, and thus able to empty them less frequently. A simple model; reliable and robust.

Included: pedestal, ash lip, air intake damper & rear air deflector

▪ High efficiency 1.8 ft³ firebox, ideal for tight spaces
▪ Up to 5 hours burn time
▪ Steel top reinforced with a stainless steel heat shield
▪ High density refractory bricks
▪ Cast iron door and ceramic glass
▪ EPA certified
▪ Proudly made in USA
▪ Non-catalytic combustion system

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