
244 Dalton Ave Unit 180

Kingston, ON

Blaze King Sirocco 25 Wood Stove

Starting at $5,939.00 + HST

The Sirocco 25 is a medium sized fireplace insert. At 2.3 cu. ft., the firebox will take up to a 22″ log and can deliver warmth for up to 25 hours on low. The Sirocco 25 is very clean and efficient and can heat from 400 – 1,800 sq. ft. This flush insert extends to only 2.6 inches from the face of the fireplace to the door opening, helping to keep hearth protection to a minimum. The door features a large, 24″ x 11″, wide-screen glass viewing area with a nickel plated and hand made olive-wood door handle. Attention to detail is evident from the layered surround panel to the unique control system that allows you to select the heat you want.


  • Constant Heat Output on High: 29,966 BTU's/h for 8 hours
  • Constant Heat Output on Low: 9,589 BTU's/h for up to 20 hours
  • Average Heating Time: 8 - 13 hours
  • Firebox Size: 2.3 cu.ft.
  • Flue Size: 6"
  • Efficiency: 77%
  • Price does not include shipping.
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